Professor Markus Hess, MD, is a dedicated otolaryngologist and phoniatrician, subspecializing in laryngology, phonosurgery, and disorders of professional voice users. He specialized in the care of the performing voice and the treatment of all kinds of voice disorders. Dr. Hess has long-standing experience in performing endoscopic and open surgical procedures on the larynx. He know focuses on phonosurgery with office-based laser procedures, RRP treatment, voice feminization interventions, medialization laryngoplasty, and phonomicrosurgery.
Dr. Hess has authored and co-authored over one hundred peer-reviewed articles in professional journals, book chapters, and textbooks. He is chair of Pan European Conferences (PEVOC) since 2015, founding member of the "German Society of Phonosurgery", founder and Executive Board member of the European Academy of Voice (EAV), Past-President of the international Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT) and serves in multiple capacities on many international editorial and scientific boards and committees.
Dr. Hess teaches regularly at national and international voice conferences and gives own courses in cutting-edge phonosurgery techniques (