Ist European Laryngological
Live Surgery Broadcast
2nd December 2015 | 9.00 - 16.00 CET
Dr Ton Langeveld, Dr Elisabeth Sjögren
Patient 2
24 years old with adductor spasmodic dysphonia history
2011: remitted to outpatients clinic because of voice problems
- unstable, trembling voice
- vocal fatigue
- complaints brought on by stress
Prior history: perinatal asphyxia, dystonia of right arm and shoulder
Diagnosis and follow-up:
Adductor spasmodic dysphonia
- 2011-2014 treatment with Botox with good results (audio during surgery)
- 2014 (October) bilateral myoneurectomy
- 3 months good results: voicing more stable with less effort
- after 3 months return of complaints
- plan: repeat-myoneurectomy
Examination (November 2015):
- voice is tight and strained with voice breaks (audio during surgery)
- normal vocal fold ab- and adduction
- no structural lesions
- slightly irregular vocal fold vibration (phase), total closure during phonation
- "perfect" wound healing after surgery
during surgery 2014
November 2015